Tecar Therapy

T.E.C.A.R means Transfer of Capacitive And Resistive Energy

Tecar is high frequency alternating current that causes a flow of ions through rapid electrical oscillations in the cellular environment.

Tecar Therapy (TECAR) is a non-invasive treatment that uses electromagnetic energy to increase tissue temperature and promote healing. It’s also known as diathermy, which means “heat through” in Greek.

The devices we use also combines the healing therapies of Hi-TENS and Hi-EMS.

What it’s Used For

  • Chronic pain from degenerative diseases
  • Act on all types of tissues and opt for a wider field of action by combining all the currents of electrotherapy: high, medium and low frequency.
  • Post-operative conditions
  • Acute inflammation of joints, muscles, and ligaments
  • Tendinopathies