Nutrigenomics and their Role in Helping Animals

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We share the same passion in helping impact the health and quality of life of animals and some us, humans. Have you ever wondered why inspite of everything we do, all the money we spend on food and care, our animals still have a short life?

I was talking to a veterinary colleague the other day and asked them this question, have you ever wondered about the fact that 1 human year equals 7 animal years and where that came from? No? I didn’t know either until recently. Animals have at least 7 x more oxidative stress affecting them than humans, and we have a lot. This causes aging and degradation of mitochondria and cellular repair which results in disease and dysfunction. The same thing happens in people just slower.

I would like to share with you how an all natural product changed the life expectancy of a 23 year old Arabian mare.Please watch this short video and let me know if you are interested in learning more about nutrigenomics for animals, because after seeing this, it peaked my interest.

I have been a human and animal chiropractor, chiropractic sports physician, and chiropractic acupuncturist for many years. My husband and I had a very successful animal and human practice in South Africa for almost 2 decades. We were never ones to keep supplements and push them onto patients or con them into buying something they didn’t need. I always felt though, even with the huge successes we saw with myofascial dry needling, acupuncture and chiropractic that we were not doing enough to slow down the oxidative stress and resultant damage in the body and over the past few years, I have seen people and animals experience amazing results with this product.

Are you familiar with the benefits of the Nrf2 and NRF1 pathways? Also, do you know about the benefits of NAD and sirtuin?

If you are interested in effective ways of benefiting from these through nutrigenomics, please watch this video to the end.

I am the most cynical person in the world and have never been into marketing and getting involved in other businesses, but this one makes sense to me and hopefully this will be the missing link we are all looking for in our practices, that will help promote longevity and health for a long long time. Let me know if you have any questions.