
  • A comprehensive review of Myofascial Techniques in Animal Rehabilitation

    Myofascial techniques have gained significant recognition in human rehabilitation for their efficacy in treating musculoskeletal issues as well as promoting overall well-being. The application in veterinary medicine, particularly in animal rehabilitation, remains relatively underexplored. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the utilization of myofascial techniques in animal rehabilitation. Including the mechanisms of…


  • Unlocking Equine Potential: The Importance of Treating the Myofascial System in Horses with Structural Dysfunction

    The equine world is constantly evolving, with advancements in veterinary science and equine therapy at the forefront. A significant focus in recent years has been the treatment of the myofascial system in horses, particularly those with structural dysfunction. Understanding and addressing this crucial component can significantly impact a horse’s performance, comfort, and overall health. What…


  • The Power of Canine Myofascial Treatment

    In the veterinary world, managing chronic pain in our canine patients can be a complex challenge. Conventional approaches like medications, surgeries, and therapies play a vital role, but they may not always fully address the root cause of discomfort. This is where canine myofascial treatment comes in—offering a holistic, hands-on technique that can complement traditional…


  • Chiropractic for Puppies

    Did you know that chiropractic care is great for puppies and young dogs? ⠀⠀By helping aid alignment , balance and motion, we are able to nurture their growing bodies so they can be as healthy as possible into their adult years. How does chiropractic care benefit puppies:


  • Reversing Osteoarthritis: doable or not???

    Several researchers and scholars have asked the question in human medicine: “If my cells are constantly reproducing, why do I still have pain in my back, knee etc.?” Excellent question! Bone cells turn over every 3 months, skin cells every 10 – 30 days, and your skeleton in general updates itself by 10% a year!…


  • Why is my dog stiff?

    That sounds like there is a simple answer to that question, but alas, no luck. Stiffness can come from a variety of sources- muscle, soft tissue or joint capsule, so how do we differentiate one from the other. When confronted with an area of decreased motion, I jump into motion palpation/ joint glides first. First…


  • Why does my dog struggle with stairs?

    Stairs are a major issue for many dogs. Today we are looking at a few ways you can help your dog conquer these mountains they need to climb, safely and confidently⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ As a chiropractor I will assess to see why they are struggling with the stairs and how can we help them manage them better.…


  • Five Ways to Help Your Senior Dog

    A dog’s senior years can be very challenging but incredibly rewarding at the same time if managed correctly. As our dogs age, so do their bones, ligaments and muscles as well as their minds. There are many ways to manage these changes that we start to see in our beloved pets. ⠀⠀⠀


  • Supplements for Working Dogs

    WE are continually being bombarded with social media, advertising and publicity regarding food, supplements and products for our beloved 4-legged family members, but how do we know what is legit and what just makes expensive urine?? I was poking around on google and came across this awesome article that answers lots of those questions. The…


  • The Science Behind Rehab Therapy

    Physical therapy, chiropractic, myofascial work and rehab can be incredibly effective on certain conditions, especially when done by someone who understands when and what to do. Some of these conditions include: Although many owners, trainers, and veterinarians support using PT, chiropractic and rehab practitioners in horses, some members of the equine industry remain wary. The…


  • Unlock the Power of Integrative Animal Care: Enriching Lives, Empowering Practitioners

    As healthcare professionals, you understand the importance of providing comprehensive, personalized care that addresses both immediate concerns and long-term well-being. Just as humans thrive through a balanced approach to health, animals benefit immensely from integrative care, which considers their physical, emotional, and behavioral needs. The future of veterinary care is rooted in this holistic model,…


  • Post operative knee surgery – what do you need to know?

    In practice we see a lot of cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) and patella luxation surgical repairs. They are the most common stifle / knee issues. We used to see a lot of TTA repairs from CCL tears, but TPLOs have become much more popular in the last few years. Something I have noticed is, that…


  • Reconditioning After Layup

    Whether your horse has downtime for an injury or just a vacation, how you bring them back can dictate their eventual competitive success. After any layup an athletic horse needs to be brought back to peak condition gradually. If time off was simply a vacation over winter, you can start the horse back into work…


  • Horse Rehabilitation Exercises from the Ground

    Dynamic mobilization, core strengthening, and balancing exercises can help stabilize the horse’s spine and the fore and hind limbs’ attachment to the body. When a horse suffers from an injury, a diagnosis, treatment, and return to soundness hopefully follows. To make a full return to work recovery, affected horses might benefit from specific forms of…


  • Stall rest – a prison cell or saving grace. How to survive isolation both as a horse and a rider

    Stall rest can be anything but restful for horse and owner alike. Here’s how to achieve the best possible outcome. For anyone who has been through a prolonged stall rest this is what it looks like for both horse and rider: Every day after work dressage rider (let’s call her Karen) drives to her boarding…


  • Starting a referral practice

    Starting a new business of any kind is super tough, especially life AC (after covid). It would be wonderful if, after you qualified, you could hang a sign outside your door and clients would just flow in and all the veterinarians would refer to you because they see so much value in what you have…


  • What not to say….

    Ok ok we know you’re smart and you want the whole world to know it, but you also want to be PC and not offend anyone with whatever may offend them (the list is endless by the way), so how do you communicate with your client. First off, your client wants to know that you…


  • Rehabilitating a horse with back pain

    Horses can suffer musculoskeletal pain and injuries anywhere along the axial skeleton that comprises the skull, vertebral column, sternum, and ribs. Bringing these horses back to form and into work post-injury can be difficult, time-consuming and super frustrating, but possible thanks to both time-tested mobilization exercises and rehabilitation techniques. After a thorough clinical exam and…


  • Why can’t rehab and treatments be fun??

    Why are some physical activities fun for some people, but not for others? I hate running, but I love lifting weights. Bike riding hurts my wrists, neck, and butt, but I love hiking and walking in the mountain. I love spin classes but hate HIIT sessions. There might be movements or activities that are generally…


  • Show Dogs

    Chiropractic care is a great way to help your dog be in show dog shape. By improving overall alignment and joint motion, we are able to assist in better conformation and improved performance. Improved Topline One of the most common signs of back pain is a roach back appearance. The dog will flex their spine…


  • Which dogs benefit from Chiropractic care?

    Senior Dogs Older dogs respond incredibly well to chiropractic care. By improving joint motion and alignment, we can assist with easing discomfort, pain and stiffness from arthritis, as well as, improve overall mobility and quality of life. Weekend Warriors Are weekends a time for you to go on hikes, runs and fun physically taxing adventures…


  • Harnessing the Power of Chiropractic Care for Equine Health

    In the world of equine health and performance, every advantage counts. One such advantage that is gaining traction and proving its worth is chiropractic care for horses. This specialized approach to equine therapy offers a range of benefits that can significantly enhance a horse’s well-being and performance. Understanding Equine Chiropractic Care Equine chiropractic care involves…


  • Understanding Cranial Cruciate Ligament Tears in Dogs: A Vital Role of Rehabilitation

    Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) tears are one of the most common orthopedic injuries affecting dogs, with large breeds being particularly prone to this condition. Just like in humans, these injuries can cause significant pain and mobility issues for our furry companions. However, beyond surgical intervention, the role of rehabilitation in managing CCL tears is often…


  • Nutrigenomics and their Role in Helping Animals

    We share the same passion in helping impact the health and quality of life of animals and some us, humans. Have you ever wondered why inspite of everything we do, all the money we spend on food and care, our animals still have a short life? I was talking to a veterinary colleague the other…